Monday, May 18, 2009

Human Behavioural Marketing in a Petrol Station (The 'Extra' Chewing Gum Marketing Experiment)

I stopped to fill up petrol today. And when I went in to pay, I noticed the chewing gum display.

Instead of the chewing gum being packed tightly in their box, several of them on the top shelf were partially taken out and placed on an angle facilitate the easy pick up (and purchase) by customers.

After talking with the service station attendant, whose idea it was, the feedback given was that customers didn't take them, as they commented it was too neat (and they didn't want to disrupt the order).

A suggestion I offered was to have just a few packets on the angle, to eliminate this order, and neatness. And thus potentially facilitate more purchases.

My reasoning on why this may be more effective, is that the main element of the current display, is that it gets noticed - but noticed for it's order, and not noticed for it's benefit to users. But if only a few packets of chewing gum were randomly displaced for easy pick up, then perhaps it would still get noticed - not for it's order, but in a more subtle way - one that does not facilitate interest and discussion on the matter, but maybe enough to facilitate purchase.

It would be interesting to trial such a theory, and the results of different combinations.

Photo taken: Liberty Petrol Station (151 Victoria Pde, Fitzroy, VIC 3065, Australia,
Telephone: +61 (3) 9417 6747)

A related thought: I wonder if the customers who comment on the display, are from the marketing or advertising profession. And thus look at it through their paradigm, and not as a general consumer looking to purchase (potentially similarly to the concept of telemarketers filtering out survey respondents if they are in the marketing or advertising profession - because they may notice the marketing, and not the product).

Related thought 2: It would be interesting to know (I won't say survey, as surveys can result in inaccurate findings, as explained by Malcom Gladwell's TED talk on spaghetti sauce) why people buy chewing gum. Is it because they want fresh breath before a meeting, date, or other social encounter? Is it because they like the feeling of doing something (in a similar active vein of smoking)? Or is it because they crave a fresh flavour?

The strap line on the Extra chewing gum headboard targets the third question posed (and the first, which are related to a degree). Have Wrigley's done their market research and concluded this finding? Or have they just chosen to market an aspect of their product? My personal guess, is that some form of market research would have been undertaken, as they also have an increased flavour range compared with earlier years (although that could just be for product diversification reasons). And because they are a large company, that generally (albeit stereotypically) may engage in such activities. But would love to hear if someone else knows anything further.